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Courtside Large Tote

Courtside Large Tote - zvětšit obrázek

Vyberte barvu: 083 light anthracite

Vyberte velikost:

354.00 Kč s DPH
292.56 Kč bez DPH

Do 4-7 dnů 30 Ks
Do 14-18 dnů 760 Ks


  • Kat. číslo: 954280830
  • Záruka: 24 měsíců
  • Výrobce: Westford Mill

Courtside Large Tote

·70% Cotton (Pre-consumer Recycled), 30% Polyester (Post-consumer Recycled) ·Contains 100% certified recycled cotton ·Premium heavyweight fabric ·Main compartment with magnetic closure ·Hidden external slip pocket ·Piped base panel ·Handles with contrast detailing ·Self-fabric carry handles ·Can be carried by hand or over the shoulder ·CutAway label for ease of rebranding ·Handle length: 54 cm ·Capacity: 20 Litres ·Dimensions: 41 x 34 x 15 cm ·Max. embroidery: 15 tubular hoop (front pocket) ·Max. print area: 15 x 23 cm (front pocket).

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on-design s.r.o.
Pelíkovická 762
46342 Hodkovice nad Mohelkou
IČ: 04434323, DIČ: CZ04434323

tel.: 777609785



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